
White House Down Trailer

Olympus Has Fallen... Again

April 30, 2013 by

Ready for round two? Cuz here we go again. Another loud bulletstorm pitting one man versus terrorists that take over the President’s home. In case you were ever unsure what “Olympus” was code for, White House Down further simplifies the premise with a title that tells you exactly what’s in store. We’ve often complained about Hollywood running out of ideas, so it’s no surprise when competing studios hear about scripts or productions with premises that sound so enticing, that they decide to capitalize on the idea with their own strangely similar movie.

A year ago we got Mirror Mirror, one of the worst movies of 2012, a couple months before Snow White and the Huntsman, one of our most anticipated movies of that year. But Hollywood wasn’t done yet. Within a three-month period later in the year, we got a three-way battle of animated movies with supernatural themes: ParaNorman, Hotel Transylvania, and Frankenweenie. But I’m not complaining there, as two of these three ended up being honorable mentions for best movies of the year.

In a couple of months when White House Down hits theaters, it looks like I won’t be complaining then either. Since the ’90s-style action shoot-’em-up Olympus Has Fallen was entertaining enough and since White House Down has already looked good enough on paper to land a spot on our list of honorable mentions for most anticipated movie of the year, this could be a decent double dose of D.C. destruction.

Speaking of destruction, who better to have behind the scenes than Roland Emmerich, the master of disaster who’s directed Independence Day, The Patriot, The Day After Tomorrow, and 2012? (Forget Godzilla and 10,000 BC.) The cast includes Channing Tatum, Oscar winner Jamie Foxx, Oscar nominee Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jason Clarke, Oscar nominee Richard Jenkins, and Oscar nominee James Woods. The trailer, with a foreboding and disturbing quote and audio that sent chills down my spine, can be checked out above.

White House Down is set for release on June 28, 2013.