- Agents of Mayhem (2017)Currently No After Credits InformationNew Video Gam...0
- Alien: Isolation (2014)No Extras During or After the CreditsPC0
- Assassin's Creed IV: Black F...Extra Scene During the CreditsPC1
- Assassin's Creed Syndicate (...Currently No After Credits InformationPC0
- Assassin's Creed: Unity (2014)Extra Shots of the Catacombs Shown Dur...PC0
- Attack on Titan (2016)Extra Scene After the CreditsPC0
- Batman: Arkham Knight (2015)Extra Images and Audio During the CreditsPC1
- Battleborn (2015)Currently No After Credits InformationPC0
- Battlefield 1 (2016)No Extras During or After the CreditsPC0
- Battlefield 4 (2013)No Extras During or After the CreditsPC3
- Battlefield: Hardline (2015)No Extras During or After the CreditsPC3
- Biomutant (2021)No Extras During or After the CreditsNew Video Gam...0
- Bloodborne (2015)No Extras During or After the CreditsPlayStation 40
- Borderlands 3 (2019)Extra Artwork Shown During the CreditsNew Video Gam...0
- Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!...No Extras During or After the CreditsPC1
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfa...Extra Photo Shown After the CreditsPC1
- Call of Duty: Black Ops III ...Currently No After Credits InformationPC1
- Call of Duty: Ghosts (2013)Extra Scenes During and After the CreditsPC2
- Call of Duty: Infinite Warfa...Extra Audio During the CreditsPC3
- Control (2019)No Extras During or After the CreditsNew Video Gam...0
- Dark Souls III (2016)No Extras During or After the CreditsPC0
- Days Gone (2019)Extra Scenes During and After the CreditsNew Video Gam...0
- Dead Island 2 (2023)Currently No After Credits InformationNew Video Gam...0
- Death Stranding (2019)Extra Scenes During and After the CreditsNew Video Gam...0
- Destiny (2014)Extra Animations and Paul McCartney So...PlayStation 35
- Destiny 2 (2017)Extra Scene After the CreditsNew Video Gam...0
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (2016)Extra Scene Shown During the CreditsPC1
- Dishonored 2 (2016)No Extras During or After the CreditsPC1
- Doom (2016)Extra Shots Shown During the CreditsPC0
- Doom Eternal (2019)Extra Scene After the CreditsNew Video Gam...0
- Dragon Age: Inquisition (2014)Extra Scene After the CreditsPC0
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (2016)Currently No After Credits InformationPC0
- DriveClub (2014)Extra Shots of the Racing Tracks Durin...PlayStation 40
- Dying Light (2015)No Extras During or After the CreditsPC0
- Evolve (2015)Extra Images and Messages During and A...PC2
- Fallout 4 (2015)Currently No After Credits InformationPC0
- Far Cry 4 (2014)Extra Scene After the CreditsPC1
- Far Cry PrimalExtra Scene After the CreditsPC0
- Final Fantasy XV (2016)Extra Scene After the CreditsPlayStation 41
- For Honor (2017)No Extras During or After the CreditsPC1
- God of War (2018)Extra Scenes During and After the CreditsNew Video Gam...0
- Homefront: The Revolution (2016)No Extras During or After the CreditsPC0
- Horizon Zero Dawn (2017)Extra Scene After the CreditsPlayStation 42
- Infamous: Second Son (2014)Extras During and After the CreditsPlayStation 40
- Injustice 2 (2017)Currently No After Credits InformationPC2
- Just Cause 3 (2015)Currently No After Credits InformationPC0
- Killzone: Shadow Fall (2013)Extra Mission During the CreditsPlayStation 42
- Lego Marvel Super Heroes (2013)Extra Scene During the CreditsPC0
- LEGO The Hobbit (2014)Extras During the CreditsPC0
- LittleBigPlanet 3 (2014)Currently No After Credits InformationPlayStation 30