
Uncharted 3 Early Access to Multiplayer Started

Those with Subway Codes Can Start Playing Now

October 1, 2011 by

Although the full version of the game doesn’t hit stores until November 1 and there was already a beta back in June, Naughty Dog’s promotion with Subway has just started and allows those who purchase 30oz drinks at Subway to gain early access to Uncharted 3‘s competitive multiplayer online. Uncharted 2 had a similar multiplayer demo available on PSN right before the game’s launch back in 2009, but this new promotion for U3 through Subway offers a lot more features and allows all items and experience gained to be brought over into the full version of the game when it’s released next month.

The early access is going on all month up and we’ll be giving away tons of free codes all month, so make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter where we’ll be posting new codes each week until Nov. 1. Like Happy Gilmore, Nathan Drake now also has his own awesome Subway commercial, which you can check out below.