Movie Details
In Theaters: March 16, 2018
On Video: N/A
Director(s): Roar Uthaug
Genre(s): Action & Adventure
Production Co.: MGM
Distributor(s): Warner Bros.
MPAA Rating: N/A
Website(s): Official Site
Our Review: N/A
Running Time: 118 minutes
Credits Running Time: N/A
During the Credits
After the “Tomb Raider” title is shown there is a brief extra scene before the credits begin rolling.
In the extra scene, Lara Croft is shown entering a pawn shop to buy her green pendant back. She notices two guns being displayed behind the store owner’s counter and as a result buys those too.
After the Credits
There is no stinger after the credits of Tomb Raider.
Special thanks to Saran Srimee for the stinger submission!
Stinger information added and verified by Paul Curtin