Movie Details
In Theaters: September 22, 2017
On Video: December 19, 2017
Production Co.: Warner Animation Group
Distributor(s): Warner Bros.
MPAA Rating: PG
Website(s): Official Site
Our Review: N/A
Running Time: 101 minutes
Credits Running Time: 9 minutes
During the Credits
There are extra animations and an extra scene during the credits of The Lego Ninjago Movie.
At the beginning of the credits we have an animated sequence of Garmadon teaching everyone the “DANCE OF DOOM.” In the extra scene later, there is a gag reel with Jackie Chan catching flying bowls.
After the Credits
There is no stinger after the credits of The Lego Ninjago Movie.
Special thanks to Aaron Wills, Craig, and The Brick Dad for the stinger submissions!
Stinger information added and verified by Paul Curtin