Movie Details
In Theaters: August 22, 2008
On Video: December 19, 2008
Director(s): Fred Wolf
Genre(s): Comedy
Production Co.: Alta Loma Entertainment, Happy Madison Productions
Distributor(s): Columbia Pictures
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Website(s): Official Site
Our Review: 3.5 out of 5
Running Time: 98 minutes
Credits Running Time: N/A
During the Credits (spoilers)
The last scene of The House Bunny shows the girls walking out of their sorority house as the scene turns into a musical with them all dancing and singing a song about “Where their Zeta’s are at?” There are no other extras during the credits.
After the Credits
There are no extras after the credits of The House Bunny.
Stinger information added and verified by Paul Curtin