Movie Details
In Theaters: November 6, 2015
On Video: February 9, 2016
Director(s): Sam Mendes
Actor(s): Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Lรฉa Seydoux, Ben Whishaw, Naomie Harris, Dave Bautista, Monica Bellucci
Genre(s): Action
Production Co.: Eon Productions
Distributor(s): MGM
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Website(s): Official Site
Our Review: N/A
Running Time: 148 minutes
Credits Running Time: 7 minutes
During the Credits
There are no extras during the credits of Spectre.
After the Credits
There are no extras after the credits of Spectre besides the traditional “James Bond will return” text shown at the very end.
Songs During the Credits
“The Name’s Bond… James Bond” by Nicholas Dodd
“Spectre (End Title)” by Thomas Newman
Special thanks to Stephen Smithett, Jezamiah, and Daniel for the stinger submissions!