
Scary Movie 5 (2013)Extra Scenes During and After the Credits

Movie Details

In Theaters: April 12, 2013
On Video: August 20, 2013
Director(s): Malcolm D. Lee
Genre(s): Comedy
Production Co.: Brad Grey Pictures
Distributor(s): The Weinstein Company
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Our Review: N/A
Running Time: 86 minutes
Credits Running Time: 14 minutes

During the Credits

There are extra scenes and outtakes that begin about a minute into the credits of Scary Movie 5. They last for eight minutes, then there’s nothing else during the remaining six minutes of scrolling credits.

After the Credits

There is an extra 30-second scene after the credits of Scary Movie 5. Click below for more details.

After the credits of Scary Movie 5 is a stinger that features Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan, both playing themselves like they did in the film’s prologue. Sheen wakes up and takes off his headphones, which were playing the score of the credits. He says to the dream extractor, “I just had the most bizarro dream. Demons, apes, a ballet.” As Sheen gets out of bed and walks to the foot of the bed, Dom replies, “You have a very active subconscious. Anyway, the idea took hold. Lindsay Lohan’s coming over to spend the night with you.” Sheen says, “Awesome!” A car smashes into the bedroom and runs Sheen over. Lohan gets out of the car and tells Dom, “You were driving.” She flips the keys to Dom, who catches them.

Songs During the Credits

“Ready For War” by MicLordz & Sauce Funky
“Werk Me” by Hyper Crush
“Thunder” by The League

Special thanks to Punisher for the stinger submission!

Stinger information added and verified by and
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