
Saints Row 3 Trailer

"Do you have any idea who you're f#$%ing with?"

July 21, 2011 by

If you’ve been following our news over the past few months, than you know that I’m more than a little excited for Saints Row 3: The Third. The game seems like it’s trying to do just about everything possible in an open-world game and looks like everything you could want in an outrageously fun game. If you’ve never played a Saints Row game before, than I’d strongly suggest you check out a couple of the trailers, because you might not know exactly what to expect if you only watch one.

You might not know what to expect, because on one end, SR3 seems to have a serious story with compelling voice acting and epic action scenes with characters falling out of planes in a similar style to the last Uncharted 3 trailer. But on the other end, Saints Row 3 is everything a mother wants to keep her child away from and lets you run around in an open-world hitting people in the nuts, shooting them out of man-cannons, beating them up with giant dildos, and more — all of which and more you can see in the first gameplay trailer.

The latest trailer entitled “Do you have any idea who you’re f#$%ing with?” seems to show a little more of SR3‘s serious side and story, but makes sure to end with tons of nut-hitting, face-smashing , and dildo-swinging combat to remind you what game you’re watching a trailer for.