Movie Details
In Theaters: June 16, 2017
On Video: N/A
Director(s): Lucia Aniello
Genre(s): Comedy
Production Co.: Matt Tolmach Productions
Distributor(s): Columbia Pictures
MPAA Rating: R
Website(s): Official Site
Our Review: N/A
Running Time: 101 minutes
Credits Running Time: N/A
During the Credits
After some stylized neon closing credits, there is a brief scene that runs along the rolling credits of Rough Night.
The first extra scene reveals that Jess (Scarlett Johansson) has won her run for the Senate. At the victory party, Pippa (Kate McKinnon) goes up on stage with a piano to perform a hilarious original song about their adventures during the film, and how they killed a man, etc.
After the Credits
There is then another scene at the very end of the rolling credits of Rough Night.
The second extra scene begins with Jess and her now-husband, Peter, driving Alice (Jillian Bell) home after a night out. Alice enters her apartment and looks for something to eat. She eventually finds the penis-shaped pasta from earlier in the film in her pantry and decides to cook it. When she pours it into the pan, she discovers that there are diamonds mixed in with the pasta (the same diamonds that ‘stripper’/thief stashed in their house for safekeeping before they accidentally killed him).
Special thanks to Adrian M for the stinger submission!
Stinger information added and verified by Paul Curtin