
No Man’s Sky is E3 2014’s Best Indie Game

Hello Games's latest jaw-dropping trailer gave us goosebumps at Sony's Media Briefing.

June 13, 2014 by

No Man’s Sky blew us away when it was revealed in December at VGX. The little game that nobody had heard of before teased instant planet-jumping that even $500 million budgeted games weren’t. Shortly after its reveal, the game’s future seemed to be in jeopardy after it was reported that a flood had resulted in the physical destruction of developer Hello Games’ studio. Thankfully, Hello Games had backups, and at Sony’s E3 2014 Media Briefing it was revealed that the game is still on track and coming to the PlayStation 4 first.

The plot of No Man’s Sky still isn’t very clear… but it’s the simplistic and mysterious nature of the sci-fi game that makes it so damn interesting. Based on the trailer, it seems like the main objective of the game is to travel to distant planets and discover various forms of alien wildlife that take after dinosaurs here on Earth. The way in which the prehistoric-looking animals interact with one another seems especially awesome with the gameplay going from peaceful to hectic in a matter of seconds as soon as a massive apex predator shows up to hunt.

But what’s most impressive about the game is how every atom is supposedly procedurally generated and every place you can see, even planets and stars, is all explorable in a massive persistent open multiplayer world. Hello Games has said that every player will start off on his or her own unique planet, resulting in an endless amount of new places to explore as something new will be added each time a new player joins in. With how amazingly unique the game’s various settings look, No Man’s Sky is begging to be explored — just like the real universe.

In the latest E3 trailer there’s also some multiplayer combat teased as the player quickly jumps into his spaceship and flies off the ground and out of the planet’s orbit into space without there ever being any sort of loading. After a quick look at space and how even elements in space are destructible, the player is then able to engage in dog fights and even chase other spaceships back down to other planets… once again, without there ever being any loading.

It’s still unclear just how big No Man’s Sky really is. It doesn’t seem possible that a team of less than ten developers could make such a big game, but it looks like Hello Games might just pull it off and revolutionize the industry whenever the game finally gets a release date. Hello Games stole the show at VGX, and they might have just stolen E3 too after giving us goosebumps while watching this trailer at Sony’s Media Briefing. No Man’s Sky wasn’t just E3 2014’s Best Indie Game, but it was arguably one of the best games at E3, period.