Movie Details
In Theaters: December 19, 2014
On Video: March 10, 2015
Director(s): Shawn Levy
Genre(s): Comedy
Production Co.: 21 Laps Entertainment
Distributor(s): 20th Century Fox
MPAA Rating: PG
Website(s): Official Site
Our Review: N/A
Running Time: 98 minutes
Credits Running Time: 6 minutes
During the Credits
There are extra scenes shown during the start of the credits of Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb.
First all of the exhibits are shown coming back to life, dancing, and having lots of fun. Then Tilly and Laaa do a dirty dancing jump and catch routine, Dr. Mcphee dances with the cavemen, and Sir lancelot is shown with the Easter Island head.
After the Credits
There is no stinger after the credits of Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb.
Stinger information added and verified by Aaron Wills