
MovieStinger Featured on Lifehacker

May 27, 2009 by

We’d like to thank Lifehacker and their contributor Rosa Golijan for her great article informing their readers about our site. Here is an excerpt from the article:

‘”Oh man! Did you see that extra scene after the credits? It was great!” Ever heard those words in the lobby after you’d walked out before the credits finished rolling? MovieStinger helps avoid that sort of disappointment by maintaining a list of which movies contain additional footage after the credits.

Visit MovieStinger for a solution to this guessing game to find out which movies have a “stinger”—an extra scene or additional footage—after the credits. You can decide whether it’s worth to stick around based on information about what happens in those post-credits moments as well as ratings and comments by other users.’

We’d also like to thank Lifehacker for flooding our site with thousands of new viewers and melting our servers. Rest assured, we have upgraded our servers to make sure MovieStinger can handle any future increases in viewers.

In addition to being featured on Lifehacker, we’re also featured on Lifehacker’s sister site Gizmodo under their favorite Lifehacker posts of the week. Be sure to check out both sites, although you probably already have them bookmarked.