
John Carter (2012)Extras During the Credits

Movie Details

In Theaters: March 9, 2012
On Video: June 5, 2012
Director(s): Andrew Stanton
Production Co.: Walt Disney Pictures
Distributor(s): Walt Disney Pictures
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Website(s): Official Site, Facebook
Our Review: 4 out of 5
Running Time: 132 minutes
Credits Running Time: 9 minutes

During the Credits

The first couple minutes show illustrations, sketches, diagrams, and other Martian related images from John Carter’s study. The extra imagery ends with a dedication to Steve Jobs which reads “Dedicated to the Memory of Steve Jobs, an Inspiration to Us All.” In addition to Apple, Jobs was one of the original founders of Pixar Animation Studios where director Andrew Stanton has worked for over fifteen years. After that the standard scrolling credits are shown and there are no other extras.

After the Credits

There is no stinger after the credits of John Carter.

Stinger information added and verified by and
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