Movie Details
In Theaters: April 1, 2011
On Video: N/A
Director(s): James Wan
Production Co.: Alliance Films, Automatik Entertainment, Blumhouse Productions
Distributor(s): FilmDistrict
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Our Review: N/A
Running Time: 103 minutes
Credits Running Time: 4 minutes
During the Credits
There are no extras during the credits of Insidious.
After the Credits
There’s an extra shot after the credits of Insidious; check out more details and spoilers below.
The extra shot after the credits shows one of the demons, the old lady, smiling at the camera before blowing out a candle.
Special thanks to Catmom869394 and Tamer for the stinger submission!
Stinger information added and verified by Paul Curtin