Movie Details
In Theaters: July 22, 2011
On Video: December 2, 2011
Director(s): Will Gluck
Actor(s): Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis, Patricia Clarkson, Jenna Elfman, Bryan Greenberg, Woody Harrelson, Rashida Jones
Production Co.: Castle Rock Entertainment, Olive Bridge Entertainment
Distributor(s): Screen Gems
MPAA Rating: N/A
Our Review: 3 out of 5
Running Time: N/A
Credits Running Time: 7 minutes
During the Credits
During the first part of the credits of Friends with Benefits, a pair of hands plays with the layout of the credits as they appear on screen and even control certain aspects likeย controllingย the audio volume and other various settings of the credits.
After the Credits
After the credits of Friends with Benefits, there is a brief scene with an offscreen Dylan and Jamie ridiculing the outtakes on a DVD.ย Check out more details and spoilers below.
The movie they are watching is the terrible-looking romantic comedy from earlier in the film with Jason Segel and Rashida Jones as a couple supposedly sightseeing in New York. “Look how much fun we had making the movie!” Dylan jeers. There’s a brief clip of Jones accidentally calling Segel’s character Jason and then squawking, “Oh God, I called him Jason” as Segel explodes in exaggerated laughter as well as a few more cheesy outtakes.
Songs During the Credits
“Magic Carpet Ride” by Steppenwolf
“Pumped Up Kicks” by Foster The People
Special thanks to James Sanford for the stinger submission!
Stinger information added and verified by Matt Spencer