
Evil Dead (2013)Extras During and After the Credits

Movie Details

In Theaters: April 5, 2013
On Video: July 16, 2013
Director(s): Fede Alvarez
Genre(s): Horror
Production Co.: Ghost House Pictures
Distributor(s): TriStar Pictures
MPAA Rating: R
Website(s): Official Site
Our Review: N/A
Running Time: 91 minutes
Credits Running Time: 6 minutes

During the Credits

There are several noteworthy parts of the credits of Evil Dead. The first couple of minutes of the credits plays over slow motion close-ups of various violent elements of the movie. After this, the rest of the credits scrolls over parchment from the Book of the Dead. About four minutes into the credits, audio of Cheryl Williams (Ellen Sandweiss) and Professor Raymond Knowby (Bob Dorian) from the first movie of the franchise plays as the professor dictates his encounter with the Book of the Dead. After about a half-minute pause, this is followed by another sound clip at the end of the credits, then the sound of a fly buzzing around, which is associated with being possessed.

After the Credits

There is a brief extra scene after the credits of Evil Dead. Check out more details and spoilers below.


Special thanks to Caesar Ortega and Spinmonk for the stinger submission!

Stinger information added and verified by and
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