Game Details
Release Date: January 25, 2011
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer(s): IronMonkey Studios, Visceral Games
Actor(s): N/A
ESRB: 12+
Our Review: 4.5 out of 5
Game Length: Around 4 hours
Credits Length: 1 minute
During the Credits
There is extra audio during the credits of Dead Space (mobile). Check out more details and spoilers below.
The audio from the last scene can be heard as the credits roll and Vandal tries to communicate with Director Tiedemann. Vandal explains that her mission is done and that she has stabilized the reactor, but is hurt pretty bad. Vandal then reveals that her name is Kerry Norton and can be heard asking if anybody can hear her.
After the Credits
There is also a very short addition scene and audio after the credits. Check out more details and spoilers below.
After the credits finish, the area in the core where Kerry collapsed is shown, however, only her helmet is still there with a trail of blood leading off screen. Voice-over of Radikov can be heard telling Le Guin that the Necromorph outbreak was a success.
Stinger information added and verified by Paul Curtin