Movie Details
In Theaters: November 26, 2008
On Video: March 3, 2009
Director(s): Baz Luhrmann
Production Co.: Australian Goverment, BazMark Films
Distributor(s): 20th Century Fox
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Website(s): Official Site
Our Review: N/A
Running Time: 165 minutes
Credits Running Time: 8 minutes
During the Credits
After the concluding lines of text, the first couple of minutes of the credits of Australia are displayed over a black-and-white background of the titular continent, like a WWII-style news reel. The outline of Australia disappears for the rest of the rolling credits, but it reappears at the very end, at which point there is a brief clip of Nullah singing.
After the Credits
There are no extras after the credits of Australia.
Stinger information added and verified by Vinnie Leduc