Game Details
Release Date: October 30, 2012
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer(s): Ubisoft Montreal
Actor(s): N/A
Website(s): Official Site
Our Review: N/A
Game Length: Around 16 hours
Credits Length: 13 minutes
During the Credits
At the start of the credits there is more commentating from the news reporter. Check out more details and spoilers below.
The extra scenes are about the electrical storms on earth and that the world is saved. After this, one of the people from the first life is standing over Desmondโs dead body talking about her plans leading into a possible sequel. Also after the credits it allows you to free roam as Connor and play side missions or replay missions to achieve full synchronization on. If you have downloaded levels or received levels as a preorder bonus you can find where to start them and play them. Credits go for about 12-13 minutes without and option to skip but you are given a trophy/achievement at the end of it.
After the Credits
When the credits end there is an epilogue cut scene. Check out more details and spoilers below.
There extra scene shows Connor and then allows an extra bonus level as Connor to be played.
Special thanks to jackdignanfilms for the stinger submission!
Stinger information added and verified by Paul Curtin