
Batman 3 Official Release Date

Warner Bros. Announces When You'll See Nolan's Next Knight

May 1, 2010 by

Warner Bros. has officially announced that the sequel to The Dark Knight and third Batman film by Christopher Nolan will be released on July 20, 2012. While there are still no details about the plot or what the name might possibly be, THR is reporting:

“The studio has barely begun the process of developing the movie; Christopher Nolan is in postproduction on “Inception,” but is hammering out a story with David Goyer.”

With both Nolan and Goyer already signed on, the third installment in the series may have a chance at being even more successful than The Dark Knight. However, it’s a ballsy move by Warner Bros. to set Batman 3 for release in the summer of 2012 with The Avengers on May 4th, Star Trek 2 on June 29th and the Spider-Man reboot on July 3rd. With so many big budget action movies set for release it the summer of 2012, it will be exciting to see which movies stick to their release dates and who will emerge as the highest grossing film.