
Argo (2012)Extra Scenes During the Credits

Movie Details

In Theaters: October 12, 2012
On Video: February 20, 2013
Director(s): Ben Affleck
Genre(s): Drama, Thriller
Production Co.: GK Films
Distributor(s): Warner Bros.
MPAA Rating: R
Website(s): Official Site, Facebook
Our Review: N/A
Running Time: 120 minutes
Credits Running Time: 9 minutes

During the Credits

Argo ends with a slideshow of images from the film compared next to photos of the real events. It also shows the real people involved and their Hollywood counterparts. A voiceover starts halfway through the slideshow of an old newscast from when the mission was declassified by President Clinton.

After the Credits

There is no stinger after the credits of Argo.

Special thanks to dkgchris for the stinger submission!

Stinger information added and verified by and
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