
Justin Bieber: Never Say Never (2011)Extras During and After the Credits

Movie Details

In Theaters: February 11, 2011
On Video: N/A
Director(s): Jon M. Chu
Actor(s): Justin Bieber
Genre(s): Documentary, Musical
Production Co.: Insurge Pictures, MTV Films
Distributor(s): Paramount Pictures
MPAA Rating: G
Website(s): Official Site
Our Review: N/A
Running Time: 113 minutes
Credits Running Time: N/A

During the Credits

There are many extra scenes of Justin on tour and additional home movies shown during the credits of Justin Bieber: Never Say Never.

After the Credits

There is a return to the YouTube page from the beginning of the movie as users write comments on Justin’s videos.

Special thanks to Catmom869394 for the stinger submission!

Stinger information added and verified by
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